By Andrea Nagy
What is The Look about really, if not about amazing style and fashion? Therefore it would be an absolute crime to everything that means fashion if we didn’t include a little piece about the most stylish group of all:
The Workman’s Goer
Who cares about Parisian fashion when you have Workman’s fashion?
Nothing could top the yellow smoker grandad’s vest and that t-shirt that’s been in the wardrobe since the age of twelve. It even harbours the lasting smell of secondary school dread. Ahh, who doesn’t love some vintage pieces? The Workman’s Goer has been the trendsetter all along! All that’s missing is ten thousand chunky rings to make for an unclosable fist, a crystal pendant necklace proving spiritual intiution and you are ready for the runway.

I could not discuss the Workman’s Goer without mentioning one of their most iconic looks: the red checked bomber jacket and cargo trousers. The classic bomber jacket, a staple of all things edgy and hip since Tumblr 2016. The cargo trousers, relatively new I have to admit. They’ve recently risen in popularity and you can find them in every shop. However, a true Workmans Goer knows that the only good cargo trousers exist in Urban Outfitters, especially when they start at the cheap price of 80€.
These looks remain incomplete without their elegant accessories. An outfit is nothing without them. As is the Workman’s Goer without their iconic pieces: a beanie and a cheap vape. However, to truly embody a Workman’s Goer, the beanie must be way too big or particularly small for your head, never just right. And the cheap vape never your own, but one probably missing its true owner.

Of course, the style of a fashionable Workman’s Goer is not just the clothing. You must know by now that the style is never just about the clothes. It’s about the sophisticated air extracted, and there’s nothing more sophisticated than the Workman’s Goer. Do not be fooled by the holes in their t-shirt (giving Yeezy) or by the soggy baggy raincoat (Vivienne Westwood PURR), the Workman’s Goer is better than you and that exact air will definitely let you know it.
But don’t worry, anybody can be a Workman’s Goer! From the flustered sixteen year old with her sister’s ID to the man in his forties who tries to befriend said sixteen year old, the Workman’s Goer is all inclusive! So dream big dear readers. For we all have the potential to be as great as them.