by Shaunamay Martin Bohan
Inspired by the straight up fashion shoots of the 80s and 90s we grabbed some fashionable students aside to find our what Glasnevin students are really wearing and how they really feel about fashion and personal style.

Above is an example of a 1980s straight up by I-D magazine which is still popular today!

Adam Daly
Clothes -All thrifted Shoes-stolen from a friend
Hates-When people buy clothes in charity shops and resell them for profit
Style-comfortable and casual
Go to Karaoke song -Come on Eileen

Oonagh and Ciara (Left to Right)
Jacket – From a shop in Leitrim
Skirt – “a Granny shop”
Shoes – Bershka
Top – Moms from New York 90s
Style – “Currently channelling summer Oonagh in January because I’m missing the sun”
Pet Peeve – Adam sandler or Celery
Jacket -stolen
Shoes- “some random shop”
Likes – Handmade jewellery and lentil crisps
Quote : “Not my best but it’s clothes”

Jacket -Some vintage store probably overpriced
Jumper -Urban outfitters
Shoes – Converse from Santa at xmas !!
Jeans -Asos (secretly too small but you can’t tell because I’m wearing converse)
Chain -Crafted London
Style – “embarrassing”
Hates- People who try too hard and being put on the spot